Saturday, May 19, 2012

Relaxed vs. Natural : What #Team are you ?

       My hair is relaxed and I love it! Excuse me for the excitement but I spent most of my childhood and early teenage years natural. At the age of fourteen was the first time I relaxed my hair with my mother's permission. As a kid I noticed that most of my friends had relaxed hair at a very young age and I use to envy their hairdos believing they receive more attention from the opposite sex because of their beautiful straight hair. If was up to me personally I would have relaxed my hair a long time ago. I thank my mom for not relaxing my hair at an early age allowing me to enjoy my hair. Going natural is a personal decision and is anyone one right to freely do so but I feel that one of the reasons most women are going back to natural is because they did not get to enjoy their natural hair as a child. I had fourteen long years and I'm over it. When I was getting my hair at the salon I was so elated and ready for the new various hairstyles to come with my new found texture. ~Post you comments and pics below ~